Sunlight Agenda

Bay Staters deserve a government that centers their voices — not one that bends over backwards to keep them out

Massachusetts ranks at or near the bottom in several transparency and good governance ratings

bills to support a more democratic State House

Sunlight Act

  • Requires committee testimony to be made publicly available, with protections for sensitive information

  • Requires the committee votes of all House, Senate, and Joint committees to be made publicly available online

  • Subjects the Governor's office to Public Records Law

Public Records Law

  • Subjects the legislature and governor's office to Public Records Law, bringing MA up to standard with the majority of other states

State House Union

  • Allows for Senate and House staff to form a union

Open Meeting Law

  • Under existing OML provisions, the public is permitted to attend meetings of public bodies besides the Legislature, namely all 351 municipal governments.

  • This bill would extend that democratic privilege to constituents wishing to monitor legislative proceedings of the State House.

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